In this issue:

Woodworking In America 2016
Another Successful Conference
Thanks to everyone who came out to support the Woodworking In America 2016 Conference, we had a great time! For a glimpse of favorite moments from #WIA, connect with their social pages!
Check it out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Marquetry Chevalet Prototype
In the course of the WIA 2016 exhibition, we introduced our prototype Marquetry Chevalet (soon to be in production). This prototype wouldn’t have happened without the friendly collaboration and incessant encouragement from our good friend and a respected woodworker, Don Williams.
Don put together a rave review about his firsthand experience using the prototype Marquetry Chevalet saw at the conference.
Check out Don’s review here...

Knew Concepts Swivel Blade Clamp Inspiration
The Fenner Patent Frame Saw. Crazy.
If you look closely at the photo’s in Don’s prototype Marquetry Chevalet saw review, (see article above) there is a saw on the bench in the background. It is the Fenner (patented 1884) that Chris Schwarz (the long-time editor and now contributing editor to Popular Woodworking) gave me at the show. This is where the entire idea of our swivel blade clamps came from.
Read all about this crazy saw on the Chris Schwarz Blog.

Hand Tool Olympics
We have a Winner!
Let’s have a big round of applause for Charlie Kocourek, winner of the WIA 2016 Hand Tool Olympics! Charlie secured first place by hand sawing a complete dovetail—using a dove tail saw for the angled cuts and the Coping saw to remove the waste in between, then assembling the dovetails together.
For his outstanding work, Charlie took home a brand new Knew Concepts Coping Saw as a prize.
Congratulations Charlie!
“Thank you Knew Concepts for sponsoring the Hand Tool Olympics. I love my new saw!!!”

Featured Artist
Anna Ancell
Anna is passionate about making jewelry and loves creating pieces which can be treasured for years to come. She enjoys experimenting with new designs and making one of a kind pieces. She works mostly with sterling silver and silver metal clay and also specialize in fingerprint and other personalized jewelry.
“Feeling a touch stressed... the answer, escaping to the workshop for some therapeutic late night piercing with my favorite tool, the Knew Concepts Saw. Ahhhhh that’s better!”
“I love your fantastic saw frames.”
Check out her designs on Instagram.
Shop for her jewelry on Etsy.

New Email Address
Wholesale Ordering
We are changing our main ordering email. If you would like to place a wholesale order, please send that order to sales@knewconcepts.com.
Lee’s email remains what it’s always been: knewconcepts@yahoo.com. Please feel free to contact him directly about... just about anything. Except routine order emails. Breaking the sales emails out into a separate account is mostly to get them out of his hair, and keep his email inbox manageable.
For wholesale ordering, contact sales@knewconcepts.com.

Be Featured in a Knewsletter
We love to hear your thoughts about your craft projects while using our saws. Please feel free to contact us and tell us what you’re working on. We will pick out one artist for future Knewsletter’s and feature their project(s) that was built with the Knew Concepts saw. We may also use your anecdote as a testimonial on our website.
Previous Knewsletter Issues
Have you missed a Knewsletter Issue? Don’t despair! We have them all listed in our Knewsletter Archive for you to check out.